
Próximas actividades


Gastro Tour, descubre Benidorm

¿Te gustaría conocer mejor Benidorm de una forma amena y entretenida? Déjate sorprender por su historia, una ciudad que atrae a muchas personas por su clima, sus playas y sus servicios.¡Ven a esta ruta divertida y conoce rincones nuevos! ¿Qué visitaremos en este tour? 1. Ayuntamiento de Benidorm2. Iglesia de San Jaime y Santa Ana3. Parque de Elche4. Playa de Levante5. Paseo de la Carretera6. Lugares gastronómicos secretos ¿Cuánto tiempo

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Actividades pasadas, mira qué bien lo pasamos!


Socio-educational workshop

Workshops were held at Eco Altea, as well as emotional well-being workshops based on humor, attended by people of different ages and places around the

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Social Tour Benidorm

Once again, a social and educational tour, learning about the customs of the city with curious tourists who want to experience the customs, its past,

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Gastronomic Benidorm

Would you like to spend a fun day? Come on a Healthy Social Walk and get to know Benidorm in a fun and entertaining way.

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A pleasant morning strolling with Vikings, enjoying Benidorm, its past and present, people eager to learn about the evolution of a city that surprises both

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Thanks again to Daniel and Sara from Liverpool, who enjoyed walking the streets of Benidorm and getting to know some of the national gastronomy. Despite

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Tour walk Light House

nice walk with a couple from Iceland, who enjoyed the history of the lighthouse, the vegetation and all the anecdotes that were shared, amazed by

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